Friday, 13 October 2017

Reading: Skill pre-load

We have already discussed the art of retrieval questions, but they aren't always as straightforward as they seem...
Sometimes, often even, the questions set will try to get you thinking. Instead of matching the wording of the question to the text they will use a synonym- a different word with the same meaning... Sneaky!

So let's look at a little snippet of text to help us with this:

Fuelled by rage and revenge, Anders Arnfield stood in front of the giant gates of Pengreg Hall and raised his sword to face the snarling creature ahead. In front of him and for miles beyond lay the ruins of the ancient Gunders Wood, smouldering in ashes as the once tall trees lay forlorn on the forest floor. Behind the great house, over his shoulder, he could sense the path to freedom but he was determined not to take the easy way out.

It would be much easier to answer a question like, What lay in front of Anders? because the exact words 'In front of' are in the text and the question which makes finding the answer a doddle!

If I asked you, 'What was to the rear of Pengreg Hall?' you would have to think much more carefully. To be successful at answering this question, you would need to understand that 'to the rear of' means 'behind' and then it becomes much simpler because we can find the word 'behind' in the text. Of course, the answer is: 'the path to freedom'.

Have a go at the following questions (based on 'The Dual World of Anders Arnfield') to practise this skill ahead of next week! 
TIP- If you're struggling, you may wish to enlist the help of a thesaurus to begin with! 

  1. What was Anders Arnfield’s incentive for killing the creature?
  2. What was he determined not to do?
  3. Whose duty was it to overcome the beast?
  4. What was he trying to figure out?
  5. What did Anders not have time to consider?

Answers on a postcard (or any piece of paper) for pennies!

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