Monday, 21 May 2018

Attendance last week...

Happy Monday everyone- it's attendance time again!
I have good news and some not so good news...

I'll start with the not so good news:
Last week was SATs week and, given how important that week is, we can typically expect attendance to be in the very high 90s if not 100%. Unfortunately this wasn't the case this year... 😢

Now on to the good news:
We reached the school target!! Our attendance as a class last week was...
That's fantastic news and it just goes to show we can do it- so now let's keep it up! We have a lot coming up over the coming weeks- residential; meetings with secondary staff and transition sessions; end of year performance and end of year play etc. There's so much still left and we don't want you to miss a minute of it.

So... In school: everyday and on time.

You can do it!

Miss Barrell

Sunday, 20 May 2018

The Royal Wedding: Harry and Meghan

6SB congratulate Prince Harry and Meghan Markle on their wedding day!
On Thursday, in honour of the upcoming Royal Wedding between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, we donned our best threads in celebration.

Friday, 18 May 2018

Maths homework 18.5.18

Hi all,

A bit of fun for your homework this week- stage directions!
Do your research to find out which label goes where first of all- you can print the picture below out or draw it in your homework book and then label on the correct position for each.
Next try the activity below...

Mental Health Awareness Week

Hi all,

6SB, in recognition of Mental Health Awareness Week, have been exploring what mental health is, what can affect it and how we can take care of it.

We have spoken about the importance of:

* understanding it's okay to not feel okay ALL the time;

* talking about our mental health, having people around us that we feel comfortable to confide in;

* avoiding situations or people that are negative;

* getting enough sleep;

* eating right;

* getting active.

This morning, in a bid to wind down a little after SATs week, we enlisted the help of Joe Wicks, aka The Body Coach, who put us through our paces and showed us how exercise can release endorphins and improve mood and help fight off anxiety and depression.

We felt great afterwards! 😂

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

SATs update...

Well done everyone on the first 2 maths papers today- only one more reasoning paper left now and you're done!

In terms of revision tonight, of course we don't know what will come up but we can think ahead to what topics might appear. Try some of these on for size:

Shape- especially circles-


Parallel/ perpendicular lines

Fractions/ decimals/ percentages (equivalence)

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Maths revision...

Hi everyone,

Well done for today with the reading paper- two down, 3 more to go!

Tomorrow is Maths Paper 1 (arithmetic) and Maths Paper 2 (reasoning). We've done some revision today- going over elements for both papers.

Things that we discussed:
* The importance of accuracy- making sure your times tables or miscalculating 'carries' doesn't let you down.
* Fractions- making sure you always turn mixed numbers to improper fractions before you start calculating.
* Written methods for multiplication and division- these are worth 2 marks as opposed to just 1- make them count!
* Multiplying or dividing by a decimal... Make it easy for yourself- calculate with whole numbers and convert back to a decimal afterwards, e.g. 2.6 x 312 = 26 x 312 /10

One thing that came up this afternoon was averages: mean, median, mode, range etc. Having covered it less than some other topics, some of us were a little sketchy on this, so please find a couple of links below to help you go over these things:

Another request we had was for some measure and conversion work. So, below, there is another link to help you go over this:

If there's anything else you want, leave a comment or message me via Class Dojo and I'll do what I can.
Otherwise, get some rest and do something nice to unwind- you've worked hard; you've earned it!

See you tomorrow,

Miss Barrell x

Monday, 14 May 2018

Quick reading revision

Ahead of tomorrow's reading paper, we have spoken today, going over what is required to get full marks in 2 and 3 mark questions.
Generally speaking this questions require you to make a point(s) and support with evidence.
For a 2mark answer:
Point + evidence
If a point has already been given, e.g. Toby was excited, then 2 pieces of supporting evidence are required, e.g. He skipped along giddily + He could barely contain himself with squeaks and squeals escaping his lips!
For 3 mark answers there are a few possibilities:
  • P + E + E
  • P + P + E
  • E + E + E (if a point is already given)
Below are a couple of texts and related questions for you to try in preparation for tomorrow. But remember: don't overdo it- make sure you get some rest.

SATs week...

Morning all!

So today's the day, it's finally here but don't be stressed and have no fear. You've got it, you've learnt it, you know your stuff- just give it your all and that is enough.

Good luck year 6 x

Friday, 11 May 2018

This week's homework...

Hi all,

SATs next week! Therefore, this week's homework is a little different...

You have done all the hard work- for years you have come to school, day in day out, many of you not missing a single day, absorbing all manner of facts and bits of information. It is that that has prepared you for the coming week. Now is not the time to worry- you've got this. Trust me. Over the last 8 months we have simply tried to top you up, filling in the final pieces of the jigsaw that make up your primary school education as well as reminding you of the pieces you fit in to place in the years before. We are thrilled with the finished product- it's nothing short of a work of art!

Over the weekend, yes- do go over things that you feel will help you to come in on Monday full of confidence; no- don't overdo it!
Rest is an important component of success too- your brain needs time to rest and absorb/ store everything you are feeding it! If you, or your brain, are too tired then we all know what it's like- we make careless mistakes. You're better than that.

If you do want anything in particular adding to the blog, drop me a message in the comment box below or on Class Dojo and I will get something sorted, otherwise make use of revision guides/ internet sites etc to help you go over anything you're unsure of.

And, as a little challenge, have a go at some of these...

  • Go for a walk
  • Exercise/ play sport
  • Talk to someone
  • Have a drink
  • Make a healthy snack
  • Read a book
  • Take a nap
  • Watch a movie
  • Draw a picture

Think up some more with your family- the possibilities are endless. But remember, life is about balance. Don't forget that this weekend guys 😊

Just a reminder:
Monday: Grammar Punctuation and Spelling
Tuesday: Reading
Wednesday: Maths arithmetic and Reasoning Paper 1
Thursday: Maths Reasoning Paper 2

See you Monday,

Miss Barrell x

Thursday, 10 May 2018

Reading revision: Topical vocabulary

Hi all,

As previously mentioned, SATs are not a 'Year 6' test; the tests are intended to draw on knowledge gained from across your primary education. That includes: history, geography, science, religious education etc.
It is for that reason you will benefit from recapping key learning in each subject as, with this, you will be exposed to a range of key words. By ensuring you understand what certain words mean, it will enable you to better access texts you might come across.

I have produced some short comprehension questions that will require you to draw on this prior knowledge/ understanding below.
Identify key words/ words you are uncertain of and use their structure and/or context to help you determine their meaning before attempting the questions that accompany each text.

Miss Barrell x

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Year 6 production...

This year, year 6 will be putting on a performance of 'Treasure Island'...
Our intended performance date is:

Wednesday 11th July

We hope you will be able to join us. Information will follow shortly with details on how to get tickets etc.

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Barrell x

Last week's attendance...

Bad news everyone: Our attendance has dipped again 😓

Unfortunately, we have gone from 95.8% - only 2 tenths away from our 96% target- to 93.5%
That's a decrease of 2.3% in just 7 days!

Come on everyone- keep my hope alive and let's get it back up. SATs week starts on Monday so hopefully we can all make it in everyday and on time next week instead.


Miss Barrell

Saturday, 5 May 2018

Reading: Inference Answers 1 and 2

Hi all,

Here are the answers to the first 2 Inference comprehension question sets I posted:

  • The Magic City
  • Raider's Peril

Only open this post once you have completed the questions or, better still, especially if you don't finish both together, get an adult to open it and check your answers for you.

I'd love to hear how you got on, so comment your scores for each test as you do them along with any requests for further revision guidance.

Good luck,

Miss Barrell x

Reading Skills: Inference 2- Raider's Peril

Hi all,

One of the most frequent question types you will encounter in reading comprehension tests will be INFERENCE. As you know (hopefully!), this requires you to play the role of detective and figure things out for yourself. You need to 'read between the lines' and get information that isn't directly given to you.
Often, these questions will be about characters or settings. Remember to consider things that characters DO or SAY that give us clues about how they're feeling etc.
Thinking about word choices made by the author and what they mean can also help you.
For example, if when speaking about someone's singing voice the author describes them as having 'the voice of an angel', we would understand that they sound nice, or heavenly even! If, however, they described them as sounding like 'a bag of spanners', we would get a very different impression!

Open this post to read more. 
Take a look at the text and have a go at the questions. Answers will be provided in a separate post for someone to mark your answers. Don't forget to post with what your score was!

Good luck,

Miss Barrell x

Reading skills: Inference 1- The Magic City

Hi all,

One of the most frequent question types you will encounter in reading comprehension tests will be INFERENCE. As you know (hopefully!), this requires you to play the role of detective and figure things out for yourself. You need to 'read between the lines' and get information that isn't directly given to you.
Often, these questions will be about characters or settings. Remember to consider things that characters DO or SAY that give us clues about how they're feeling etc.
Thinking about word choices made by the author and what they mean can also help you.
For example, if when speaking about someone's singing voice the author describes them as having 'the voice of an angel', we would understand that they sound nice, or heavenly even! If, however, they described them as sounding like 'a bag of spanners', we would get a very different impression!

Open this post to read more. 
Take a look at the text and have a go at the questions. Answers will be provided in a separate post for someone to mark your answers. Don't forget to post with what your score was!

Good luck,

Miss Barrell x

QUIZ ANSWERS: Maths Reasoning and SPaG (1-3)

Hi all,

Here are the answers to the first 3 quiz papers I posted for Maths Reasoning AND SPaG. Only open this post once you have completed the papers or better still, especially if you don't finish them all in one go, get an adult to open it and check your answers for you.

I'd love to hear how you got on, so comment your scores for each test as you do them along with any requests for further revision guidance.

Good luck,

Miss Barrell x

SPaG Quiz 3

Hi all, 

Open this post to for the third Year 6 SPaG Quiz- it might help you identify any areas of spelling, punctuation or grammar that you still need to work on. Feel free to make it fun by challenging friends and family- who can get the highest score?!

I'll post more of these in coming posts. Answers will be posted separately for an adult/family member/friend to check your answers. Remember- don't look ahead! You'll only cheat yourself. Give it a go and check after 👍


Maths Reasoning Quiz 3

Hi again, 

Open this post to for your third Year 6 Reasoning Quiz- it might help you identify any areas of maths that you still need to work on. Feel free to make it fun by challenging friends and family- who can get the highest score?!

I'll post more of these in coming posts. Answers will be posted separately for an adult/family member/friend to check your answers. Remember- don't look ahead! You'll only cheat yourself. Give it a go and check after 👍


SPaG Quiz 2

Hi all, 

Open this post to for a Year 6 SPaG Quiz- it might help you identify any areas in spelling, punctuation or grammar that you still need to work on. Feel free to make it fun by challenging friends and family- who can get the highest score?!

I'll post more of these in coming posts. Answers will be posted separately for an adult/family member/friend to check your answers. Remember- don't look ahead! You'll only cheat yourself. Give it a go and check after 👍


Maths Reasoning Quiz 2

Hi all, 

Open this post to for the second Year 6 Reasoning Quiz- it might help you identify any areas of maths that you still need to work on. Feel free to make it fun by challenging friends and family- who can get the highest score?!

I'll post more of these in coming posts. Answers will be posted separately for an adult/family member/friend to check your answers. Remember- don't look ahead! You'll only cheat yourself. Give it a go and check after 👍


Maths reasoning Quiz 1

Hi all,

Open this post to for a Year 6 Reasoning Quiz- it might help you identify any areas of maths that you still need to work on. Feel free to make it fun by challenging friends and family- who can get the highest score?!

I'll post more of these in coming posts. Answers will be posted separately for an adult/family member/friend to check your answers. Remember- don't look ahead! You'll only cheat yourself. Give it a go and check after 👍


This week's homework...

Hi all,

I mentioned yesterday that your focus for the next week, with only 4 school days until SATs, should be on revising. Focus, not on the things you are good at, but on the things you know you don't feel as secure with so that, by the time testing week arrives, you will be full of confidence knowing you have given it your best shot. That is all we ask.

I have delayed putting this up as I didn't want to distract you from the lovely sunny weather we have been enjoying this bank holiday Saturday. Balance is important; make sure you build in rest to recharge your batteries.

So, in between your rest intervals:

  • Practise any arithmetic skills you make errors in.
  • Apply your arithmetic skills to reasoning questions.
  • READ!! Read on a wide range of topics- science, history, geography etc. as well as narrative and poetry- exposing yourself to new and varied vocabulary and practise figuring out what unfamiliar words mean.
  • Revise any grammar terms you are less confident about- can you tell a phrase from a clause?!
  • Learn your spellings! On Friday I gave you all the spellings you didn't get right from across this term- keep working on them.
  • Make use of the blog posts from across the year as well as revision guides and online resources.
Open this post to read more as I have attached a practise SPaG test below for you to try- give it a go and if there's anything on there you struggle with then revise it! 
Similarly with maths, I have put up some questions for you to try.
LASTLY, comment on this post if you want me to put anything in particular up to help you or to timetable in for next week's lessons.

Enjoy the rest of the bank holiday and I'll see you Tuesday,

Miss Barrell x