Thursday 12 April 2018

Focus on: Failure...

I know, I know! Why are we focussing on failure?!
It seems counter-productive I know but if we've told you this once, we must have told you a thousand times over the course of your school careers but just as a reminder:


It helps you to learn, understand and grow as a person. Never has this been so relevant as it is now as you approach the challenge of SATs. Of course you want to do your best- we want that for you also- you've worked too hard not to achieve that. But it is just that: YOUR best. You are in competition with no one but yourself, striving only to do better than yourself previously.

Hopefully the clip below with some wise words from Will Smith will help you see things in a different light if you're feeling the pressure... Let this advise inspire you as you begin revising the topics you have covered in school; let it motivate you as and when you come to things you find tricky and let it encourage you to not give up but to keep going and adapt!

"Fail early, fail often and fail forward"
-Will Smith

Miss Barrell x

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