Friday 19 January 2018

Spellings WC: 22nd January 2018

Below are this week's spelling words.

Please support your child in exploring the rules and patterns each week in order to help them learn the words provided.

It's worth noting that when year 6 pupils sit their spelling test as part of the SATs, they are not given a list of words to learn beforehand (if only). Spellings will be based on the rules and patterns covered throughout their school careers. The more secure they are with these fundamentals, the easier spelling will be for them- with or without a spelling list- both now and in the years to come, in secondary school and beyond.

Thank you for your continued support x

WC 22/1/18
I can spell words with hyphenated prefixes

A prefix is a part word (e.g., anti-, ex-, post-, pre-) placed before a word to modify its meaning.
In general we try to avoid a hyphen with a prefix. However, if the word doesn’t look/sound as it should, leading to confusion, then add a hyphen.
Hyphens tend to be used if the prefix ends in a vowel letter and the root word also begins with one. This is especially true if these vowels are the same.
This is a really interesting one to explore…
Below are a number of words that you will need to learn over the coming week. As there are only a small selection compared to normal, your child will be tested on them all at the end of the week so please support them in exploring them so they are prepared and ready for anything!
The remainder of this week’s spellings will be made up of 7 words from the core 5/6 word list to take the total up to 12 spellings.
Many thanks,
Miss Barrell and Mr. Storr
* co-ordinate             *re-enter          *co-operate        *co-own          *pro-active

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