Monday, 29 January 2018

This week... Decimals

This week we are going to be exploring the connections between decimals, percentages and fractions. We started looking in to this during our topic work earlier this half term, using it to help us evaluate our market research for our coat project but now we are going to dig a little deeper...

Here is a little resource which you can refer back to to help you secure your understanding of place value when multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000, bridging whole numbers and decimals.

Have a go at exploring it with these numbers too:
  • 46
  • 57
  • 49
  • 328
  • 194

Let me know if you need/ want any help.

Miss Barrell x

Sunday, 28 January 2018

Reading practise...

Take a look at the following extract of text before answering the questions provided.

Tomorrow is the word. Tomorrow was always the word, for Faustino. 
They know they've stopped being kids. He just can't work out when that happened.
Faustino shrugs.
-I guess tomorrow finally came.

Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow. It was Faustino's word before he and Arturo even met. It was his father's word even before Faustino was born. Back home, in Guatemala, his father used to say it to his mother: tomorrow I will get a job. Tomorrow I will mend the roof. Tomorrow everything will be okay. And Faustino's mother would roll her eyes and moan and love her husband anyway. They survived in La Limonada, picking scraps from the garbage dump, reselling what they could, along with sixty thousand other people crammed into the teetering ravine that cuts almost to the heart of Guate.

One day, Faustino was born, and then his father taught him the word too: tomorrow we'll go to the park and play football, tomorrow I'll find you a bike, tomorrow I'll show you how to ride it.
       As Faustino grew, however, something changed in his father, and the word changed too. It actually began to mean something, and finally, one day, Faustino's father said to Faustino's mother- We cannot stay here anymore.

  1. Find and copy one word that means 'full to the point of overflowing'.
  2. What impression do you get of Faustino's father?
  3. What evidence is there that Faustino's home life was unstable?

Reading stems

Hello again!

As mentioned at last week's SATs information sessions, reading practise at home can go way beyond just listening to your child read. You know they can read; now you need to know that they understand!

Below are some question stems (taken from previous tests) that you can use to think up questions for your child based on whatever text your child is reading at home. You can apply them to all manner of texts from their home reading book to the TV guide, a recipe or even a leaflet for a day out. Perhaps you could think of questions to help them explore TV shows etc.

The more practise they get of these skills they get, the more confident in them they will become.

As always, if you would like any support with this or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch- we're always happy to help.

Thanks again for your continued support,

Miss Barrell

Essential reading skills

Hi all,

Following on from last week's SATs information sessions, here is a resource to help you in supporting your child's reading development.

This is a breakdown of some essential reading skills:

Hopefully this will give you a good starting point, but over the coming days/ weeks I will be putting more resources- question stems/ activities etc. up to help you further.

In the meantime, if you would like any more help please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Many thanks for your continued support,

Miss Barrell

Saturday, 27 January 2018

Spellings WC: 29th January 2018

Here are this week's spellings- please explore the rule and learn them ahead of Friday's spelling test:

Also, as we approach the final fortnight of this half term, please remember that incorrectly spelt words from previous weeks will continue to be re-tested. Please ensure you continue to work on these so we can check them off as quickly as possible. We will update these lists for you at the end of this half term so you have a record of the words you need to continue to practise.

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Barrell x

SPaG homework 26.1.18

Apologies for the delay everybody- a busy schedule and technical difficulties delayed the upload of this, but here is this week's SPaG homework to complete in your homework books.

There are a few links below to help you revise the terminology below should you need it:

* Fronted adverbials-

* Synonyms/ Antonyms-

* Inverted commas- https: //;      

* Relative clauses-

I hope these help.

Last, but not least, please remember to maintain high standards in your homework books:
          * complete work in pencil
          * use a ruler/ straight edge to draw lines etc.
          * best effort at all times.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and I look forward to seeing you on Monday!

Miss Barrell x

Hull has a Banksy!!

Breaking news Year 6!
Hull has its very own Banksy work of art! Discovered in the early hours of this morning, it certainly has the city in a spin.
Banksy's work is notoriously loaded with hidden meaning... How do you interpret this image? Put your modals to good use to help you explore it...
What could particular details mean? What might he be trying to say? What may happen as a result?

Let me know what you think...

Maths homework 26.1.18

Happy Saturday everyone!

Here is your maths homework for the week- enjoy! There's nothing new on there so you should be fine, revisiting and revising things we have touched on previously, but if you need/ want any support, use the resources on this blog as your first port of call or let us know on Monday if you're still unsure.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend,

Miss Barrell x

Monday, 22 January 2018

Modal verbs recap

Modal verbs express possibility or obligation. These auxiliary verbs have different shades of meaning, showing how likely, necessary or possible an action is. 

For example:

  1. The cat will curl up beside the radiator tonight.
  2. The cat can curl up beside the radiator tonight.

Both of these scenarios are possible, but the first one is most likely (definite even) as it is saying it WILL happen. The one beneath it merely says it CAN. And we all know that just because you can do something, it doesn't mean you will or should.
Now let's have a go at exploring these a little further...

Use the statements above and order them in order of likelihood from least likely to most likely depending on the modal used in each. Are any of them equally likely?

Happy revising!

Miss Barrell x

SATs dates 2018

Hi all,

Thank you to everyone who attended this afternoon's 'SATs information session'- we hope you found it useful; to those who have not yet been, we look forward to seeing you on Thursday and for anyone who cannot make either session, please don't be a stranger and make an appointment to see us separately another night instead. We want you and your children to be as comfortable and confident going in to these tests as possible.

Resources will be going up on the blog regularly so please continue to check in with us, but in the meantime, here are the dates for the SATs as promised.

Thank you again for your continued support and if there is anything else we can do to help, please let us know.

Miss Barrell

Sunday, 21 January 2018

SPaG homework 19.1.18

Hi all,

Here is this week's homework for Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG). The following questions are intended to help you revise and reinforce your understanding of the different elements of SPaG and should be recorded and completed in your homework books. Homework is due in on Wednesday (along with your maths homework).
If you are unsure about anything, try referring to the glossary of terms also available on this blog to help you. Failing that, please don't hesitate if you would like some additional support- I'm always happy to help.

Miss Barrell x

Spelling, punctuation and grammar glossary

Hi all,

As you are aware, we are fast approaching that time of year all year 6 pupils (and their families) anticipate... SATs.

It's no secret that the curriculum has come a long way since most of us were at school ourselves and many of the topics taught will be unrecognisable to you. But here at Sutton Park we understand that and we want to help you to support your child as fully as possible in the lead up to this important milestone in your child's education.

If you are unsure of the difference between a superlative and a subjunctive; not sure about nouns and are confused about conjunctions, then this glossary of terms is for you!

We hope it is useful for you in supporting our child to secure their spelling, punctuation and grammar understanding.

If you would like any further support, please get in touch.

Many thanks for your continued support,

Miss Barrell

Saturday, 20 January 2018

Maths practise- dividing fractions.

So, following on from the video tutorials I linked up with the post about this week's maths homework, I have had some requests for some more practise questions (keep them coming!). Below I have posted a selection of questions for you to apply your understanding to.
If you get a little muddled or you're unsure, try using a diagram to help you like we have practised this week.
Don't forget to record any extra work in your homework books neatly- dojos will be awarded for your efforts.
Good luck!

Friday, 19 January 2018

Mr Hudson's maths homework 19.1.18

Spellings WC: 22nd January 2018

Below are this week's spelling words.

Please support your child in exploring the rules and patterns each week in order to help them learn the words provided.

It's worth noting that when year 6 pupils sit their spelling test as part of the SATs, they are not given a list of words to learn beforehand (if only). Spellings will be based on the rules and patterns covered throughout their school careers. The more secure they are with these fundamentals, the easier spelling will be for them- with or without a spelling list- both now and in the years to come, in secondary school and beyond.

Thank you for your continued support x

WC 22/1/18
I can spell words with hyphenated prefixes

A prefix is a part word (e.g., anti-, ex-, post-, pre-) placed before a word to modify its meaning.
In general we try to avoid a hyphen with a prefix. However, if the word doesn’t look/sound as it should, leading to confusion, then add a hyphen.
Hyphens tend to be used if the prefix ends in a vowel letter and the root word also begins with one. This is especially true if these vowels are the same.
This is a really interesting one to explore…
Below are a number of words that you will need to learn over the coming week. As there are only a small selection compared to normal, your child will be tested on them all at the end of the week so please support them in exploring them so they are prepared and ready for anything!
The remainder of this week’s spellings will be made up of 7 words from the core 5/6 word list to take the total up to 12 spellings.
Many thanks,
Miss Barrell and Mr. Storr
* co-ordinate             *re-enter          *co-operate        *co-own          *pro-active

This week's stars...

Congratulations to our daily star pupils this week:
  • Monday: Alex
  • Tuesday: Eloise
  • Wednesday: Mia
  • Thursday: Georgia
  • Friday: Kameron
Congratulations go to our Star of the Week:
taking responsibility and ownership of her learning.

She has really demonstrated the merit in doing some extra practice and asking for support if she has been unsure of anything this week and it has shown!

Maths homework 19.1.18

As we mentioned last week, we would be progressing on to multiplying and dividing fractions by whole numbers and fractions and we have certainly delivered on that promise!
In order to consolidate these skills (as well as a quick look at some others covered previously), here is this week's homework.
I have included a couple of links to support you as some children are still getting muddled up on occasions. Whilst I completely understand this- there is a LOT to remember, please don't just presume you know it- take some time and go over it... Watch these revision tutorials- complete the calculations that are in there alongside them!


Friday, 12 January 2018

Spellings WC: 15th January 2018

Here are this week's spelling words to learn.

WC 15/1/18
I can add suffixes beginning with vowel letters to words ending in -fer
–Double the ‘r’ if the –fer is still stressed once the suffix has been added.
    – If the –fer is not stressed when the suffix is added then do NOT double the ‘r’.
Some examples of suffixes beginning with a vowel include:
·           -ing           * ible
·         -ed          * al
·         -er           * ance
·         -en         *ence
·         -ive
Below are a number of words that you will need to learn over the coming week. As there are only a small selection compared to normal, your child will be tested on all eleven of these words at the end of the week so please support them in exploring them so they are prepared and ready for anything!
Don’t forget to keep learning the core 5/6 words as these will be tested at random. Each week we will choose 2 words from the core word list in addition to the week’s spelling focus words.
Many thanks,
Miss Barrell and Mr Storr
Referring      referred   referral    preferring
   preferred    transferring   transferred    reference 
  referee    preference    transference