Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Olive elf still at large...

Oh my goodness- what a Christmas catastrophe! Olive elf has been up to no good again.
Striking the 6SB classroom, presumably in the early hours of Tuesday morning, class and teacher came in, ready to learn, to find this:

"We couldn't believe our eyes," stated one shocked child when he saw the mess she had made.

Tissues were strewn everywhere and Olive, presumably exhausted from her festive antics, was laid amidst the carnage sleeping peacefully! Unable to wake the sleeping elf, the class let her be for the remainder of the day.

Upon returning the next day, Olive was gone.

Please be vigilant for these renegade elves over the Christmas period- who knows when one might strike next!

Merry Christmas 6SB x

Thursday, 14 December 2017

The Ice Bear art work

Following the launch of our Winter Wonderland topic, we started looking at our new book:
The Ice Bear

We have only read a snippet so far, and there's plenty more to come, but already we have been inspired by the words in the book to create some beautiful works of art- take a look at some of the examples below!

"Into this world they were born, in the dark months, when the cold and the wind turned water to stone. So small. She held them close to keep them warm in the blue ice cave that was their world".

Friday thoughts...

Friday 8thth December 2017


We had an amazing week with the launch of our new ‘Winter Wonderland’ topic!


We have started exploring some of the coldest regions on the planet through our work in geography using maps and atlases; we have started reading our new class text- The Ice Bear, which we are loving- and we have created some beautiful works of art inspired by the language in the book.


We have also been impressed by the effort going in to learning times tables over the last couple of weeks too and are thrilled to have people already secure at the bronze level and working towards the silver and gold standards and beyond- keep up the good work!


We hope you have a fantastic weekend (enjoy the snow safely if it comes as forecast) and we look forward to seeing you on Monday for your last full week before Christmas!




Miss Barrell and Mr Storr

Anti-bullying week...

As you may or may not be aware, last week (13th- 17th November) it was Anti bullying week. As a class we took the opportunity to consider what bullying is and possible reasons people may bully one another.
We watched a video called 'Andy and the odd socks' and decided that the message it was giving was that we should all feel proud of who we are as individuals and celebrate our differences rather than looking at them as being a negative.

We compared ourselves to socks- all different but all equal.

You can see some of our responses below:

Beth, Mia, Jamie W:

We designed our sock to show our different personalities because we are all human but unique at the same time. We thought that this would be a good idea because we know we like different things so why not embrace it?!

Megan, Jamie D.:

We designed our sock to show that each individual is unique although they should be respected the same. We believe that bullies shouldn’t make other people into bullies. Everyone should be respected the same. We know everybody likes different things so they should be respected for what they like.  


Codi, Josh, Reece:

We designed our sock to show were all unique and that we're all different and that even though you stand out, you should celebrate being different.